Monday, March 8, 2010

Women's Day -- Women Reservation Bill

Nothing is unachievable anymore.
There isn't even a single walk of life, where women lag behind today.

Only one hurdle remains to be conquered and that is the jealousy and wrath
women face from the male gender.
Yes, it is still there and it still bothers.

The solution lies in bringing up the boys such that they learn to respect females
and see them in an impartial light. But the onus of achieving this also lies with
women only.

Its a difficult task, more so because a mother like that would stand as an odd one
out amongst the rest. Yet, it shall be worth it. I hope I live to see the day when
male chauvinism is despised by men also.

Yesterday was the International Women's Day. And 100th one at that!!!
For the first time in the 82 year old history of OSCARS, a woman bagged the award
for the best director.

And here, at home, the Women's Reservation Bill was not passed. ONCE AGAIN.
There was resistance, uproar, adjournment, indecency and what not..
But hats off to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi who took the bull by its horns. She staked her
party's governance (once again, just as she did to have the Nuclear Treaty

any minute now, news of the bill having passed might be aired.
I am waiting.
My fingers are not crossed.
I am happy and patient and most of all, proud.

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